Monday, November 5, 2012

All of the Above


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  2. In the book All of the Above, Mr.Collins wants to start a math club to help kids learn math and have fun while breaking the world wide record from the Guinness Book of World Records of the tallest tetrahedron.When the kids show up James Harris is in the back making rude comments so when they were done, Mr.Collins made a deal with James if he comes to the book club he will get a good grade in homework so James agree.

    1. Who is the main charecter what does he/she symbolize or represent?

    2. What made Mr. Collins want to start a math club in the first place? Also was James always a problem student or did he just start acting this way out of nowhere? Maybe there is something that is not fully understood about James and maybe its Mr. Collins job to find out.

      Blog soon
      - Delilah

    3. To:Christine From:Jomarieliz
      I agree because if James is rude, layer back, and careless about his education then why would a person like James get a good grade. I believe that Mr.Collins should have let James learn from his mistake and to take his education seriously.

    4. To Christine: Why did he agree if it seems like he doesn't care about school or about anything at all?

  3. Right now in the book,All of the Above they are at there mathclub metting and Sharice is saying the group is falling apart;so,James sayes he wants to be the new president. So he gets elected.I think it is a bad idea to let him be be president beuase he is very rude and lean back. He is not taking the club serouise hes takin it as a joke .I predict he going to use the president accuse to boss people around and ruin everthing.He is going to make things go his way.

  4. I really do love the book All Of The Above so far. I was introduced to James,Sharice, Marcel, and Rhondell. All the characters are very different from eachother. But there is a background to why they are who they are. I'm excited to see how the project with Mr. Collins goes with the kids. Its hard not to read ahead because its so good. But I know when to stop.

    1. Juel~

      You said that all the characters are very different from each other but, that there's a background to why they are who they are. What you said kind of sound like the book SeedFolks. Is the book All of the above similar to SeedFolks?

    2. I do think it is similair to the book seedfolks rain! Everyone has a different personality but behind it there is a story. Thanks for the flashback of when we read it in Mr. Stohl's class. Reading on I found it interesting that Sharice is a superstitious person. Meaning she believes in the bad luck of black cats, not crossing the pole, having a umbrella open indoors, and going under a ladder. She reminds me of Christine and I. I see that James is being teased because the bad boy of the school has joined the math club. This book is just getting good! :)

  5. I really enjoy the book All of the Above so far and i met the characters James, Sharice, Marcel, and Rhondell. One of the characters really shocked me and that character was James because kids go to school to get an education and James in the story showed that he didn't care what was being taught in class, he was very layer back, and also he was really disrespectful. But also along the story as i read on James really surprised me because Sharice was looking for a new leader of the math club and James just jumped in and volunteered to be a leader. I was thinking why would James want to volunteer when he showed that he didn't really care about his education.

  6. Marcel's dad really surprised me because he took Marcel out of the math club because he thinks that his resturaunt comes first than Marcel's education. I believe it should be the other way around because I believe that a child's education is important and with that education a child can become someone in life so i believe that Marcel's dad should put his son's education first than his resturaunt.

  7. I TOTALLY agree with your opinion Anonymous.

  8. I am really interested in Rhondell. Because she is determined to be the first in her family to go to college. She wants to be successful in life and puts school first. Only she believes she can do it and her own mother doubts she will do it. Her character is very strong. I like that about her. No matter what comes in her way she won't stop. She doesn't even mind people think of her a know it all. Very confident girl. I have my focus on Rhondell. I applaud her.

  9. What is this book about? Who are the characters ? If you got to meet one character who would it be? Why would it be that character? What is some information you already know about that character ? Since you would want to meet him/her.

  10. Did anyone change in this book and, why what conflict or purpose did that person change from?
