Monday, November 5, 2012



  1. scat is a great book to read. I was not expecting anything like it.On the front cover of the book it has a cat so i didn't think I was going to be reading about a boilogy teacher (mrs.startch) and about some students in her class for example duane who was called smoke(hes a student).This book is very unique. I say this because i honestley thought that this book was going to be about a sneaky cat. I don't think that now because of mrs.starch the boilogy teacher went missing since the black vine swamp whn they were on there feild trip.

    1. How did Mr.startch disappeare? How long was he gone for?

  2. Kassie,

    What were they doing in the Black Vine Swamp? Any ideas about why or how she went missing? This sounds like a mystery?

    Blog soon,

    Ms. T.

  3. They were in the black vine swamp because they went on a field trip in outside areas. The last time anyone had seen her was when she went to get a students of hers, Libby Marshall,inhaler which had gotten lost in the black vine swamp. I think it does sound like a mystery because in the book when the officer is asking Nick, a student if he thinks it could of been other stufents who had something to do with mrs.startch's disappearence.

  4. I think that smokes sudden change in behavior is a little strange. I just find it curious because he changed it right after Mrs.Starch went missing.

    1. Gabe~
      Why do you think Smoke changed his behavior after Mr. Starch went missing?

  5. I was certainly surprised when mrs.Startch left the princliple a message to her students I don't believe it because her disappearence happend in the black vine swamp on the fleid trip. She refered her disappearence as that there was family problems.

  6. In my opinion I think the book Scat is a wonderful book. I never expected for the teacher (Mrs.Starch) to go missing. Even though she left a letter saying she had a "family emergency" detectives find this hard to believe because in her job application she said she does not have a family.

    1. This is why i found the message unture. An I Agree this book is really fasinating.

  7. Something I found so entertaning last night when Jason Marshall found an audio message on Ms.Starch's phone! It was talking about her disappearance. It said that she'll be missing acouple of days from school because of family matter! In my opinion , I think its not real because they said she dissapeared from looking for a student asthma pump.

  8. I was currious why Ms.Starch went missing. The message she left didnt seem like the truth. It was a little confussing to me.

    1. To Yalanie:
      How was she able to leave messages to the other people?

    2. Krzalis i can answer that! Msr.starch was able to leave messages from her cell phone. Thats when Mrs.Starch left a message from her phone to the school saying she is alright she just has family problems. Which confused me because in the begging of the book she said she had no family.

  9. One qoute that I found interesting was when Dr.Dressler was talking to Duane asking "Did you sneak out to the Black Vine swamp & set a fire to scare Mrs.starch during the field trip?" This qoute was thought provoking to me because it got me thinking even more about how & why Mrs.Starch disapeared !! It also gave me a different perspective of Duane & how much his behavior has change since Mrs.Starch disapearence !!!!

  10. A quote that caught my attention was from Smoke. "They way I was headed. Mistakes I kept making all those wrong turns." I found this quote surprising because I wouldn't imagin Smoke getting tired of misbehaving.

  11. A qoute that i saw that was surprising to me was " Your telling me that Mrs.Starch assigned you to write about pimpals." This was very surpirising to me to me because Duane a.k.a Smoke, the one who threatend Mrs. Startch, actually did the assignment but added 8 more words.

  12. Kassie,
    Wht would Duane a.k.a. Smoke threaten Mrs.Starch? was there a reason to? Did mrs. starch do something that made smoke threaten her?

    1. Genesis smoke was one of Mrs.Starchs biology students. This teacher was very rude and mean. She was even discusting. She chewed pencils and things like that. She made Duane a.k.a smoke right a 500 word essay about pimpals because someone else didnt bring theirbiology book to class.

    2. This book is so intresting. I cant believe what i am reading! When did marta and nick get so brave? What ireally mean to say i would not have thought that marta would have gone to Mrs.Starchs house! Alright maybe nick but i was not expecting any of the students to go to her house but the detectives!

    3. When I read that part of the book I was in shocked. I was thinking the same thing you thought. Just how marta an nick had the currage to actually go to Ms.Starch house. I was frightend for them. Just the way they discribed the house made me feel creeped out.

  13. Can you relate to Nick or anybody else in the book? Why?

  14. If you can refelect this book on your own life or on anyone you know who or what would it be? Why?
