Monday, November 5, 2012

Life As We Knew It


  1. The book is about the moon getting hit by an ashtroid and it get closer to earth it causes many natural disaters. Then causes waves and vary bad storms. maranda the main character she and her family go threw many problems ever sice the moon was hit.

    1. Mrs.T said that this book was very disturbing can you give at least two details on why this book is disturbing?

    2. -Kassie-this book is disturbing because more and more people are dying every day also the weather changes are very severe which is making Lisa's family and other families suffering every day.


    3. Grant in what ways? Is the weather severe because its going hot to cold or cold to hot ? Why are they dying? I herd there were bugs. What type of bugs are there? Are they part of the reason families are dying ?

    4. Would you say this is a apoclyspe since the human race is loosing their needs like food work gas and school?

    5. *the weather is severe because at the start of the story they were freezing it was hard for them to sleep but moving toward summer it got very hot so hot that people would have to move down to the south! you'd expect the south to be hotter, yup the moon effected alot of this weather.
      *more and more people are dying because of the tusunamis and earthquakes and volcanos also alot of supplies are increesing alot so some familys probley can't keep their self living.
      *Maranas friend passed away from a bug she took meds. just when they seemed to be working she passed a few days later.The mosquetios were also talked about how happy they must be because all the people are dying and with them dying the mosquetios get more blood to pass diseases-.-

  2. I have a question about this book i want to know how is the moon being getting closer to the earth and why that is kind of crazy, The only reason i am asking is because the auther day when i was walking home the moon seemed closer then before.

    1. I don't get this question can you be more specific.

  3. So far the book is about a family that lives on the country side,the family is going through a hard time with all the power going out,all the prises going up,and not enough food supplies.The prises went up to a crazy amount...1 gallon of gas = 12$ which is making it tough for the family because they planned on seeing how lisa's pregnacy was going.The power also became an issue because mom's work requires her on the computer and its hard when the power goes on and off every night.Lastly the food has became a problem,schools are closing down early because they're running out of food.These problems were caused by an astroid hitting the moon and pushing the moon closer earth.The moon comming closer to the earth has made alot of problems fisicly too tusunamis,floods,earth quakes,and more!!!!

    1. Your blog caught my attention.I mean the way you explained the book makes me feel as if ive read it. I want to know more about this book,and the characters. This Book seems very interesting an I want to get my hands on it!!!

    2. This book sounds really cool and interesting! To me it sounds like a apocolyspe, 12$ for 1 gallon of gas, also no food,. Knowing about this book more and more makes me want to read it more and more! So I hope I get the chance to read this, and goodluck!

  4. If it got hit by an ashtroid what are some of the natural disaters that is happening and what do the moon have to do with the wether.

  5. Do you have any questions that you would to ask the main character?

  6. What is this book about? What has been going on in this book? how does this book affect you? What does it have to do with the world?

    1. Kassie this book is about a family that experiences worlwide disasters. Such as, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.This book has to do with the world because people are dying and suffering everyday.This book affects me because it makes me think what if i was in this situation and this was happening to me and my family.

  7. I am very interested in reading this book. When i saw the tittle i thought that the book was going to be about like a happy life just turned into a really bad life. Well it is in a way but i never thought that the moon would be getting hit by an astroyed.

  8. Genesis,
    Why do you think the asteroid hit the moon? Also by looking at the title, why did you think it was going to be happy to end up to being bad? Why couldn't it be bad ending up to be happy?

  9. "Most people are moving down south because it cooler." <- this quote was thought provoking its thought provokeing because i made me wonder, how can it be coller in the south if southern areas are more hot areas.

    Another qoute from the text is "It's importaint for us to have ONE meal together." but this qoute is surprising to me because its very hard to eat one meal a day. Also in my story its getting so hard for the community to servive that the water will not be able to last for ever so the family was thinks of when the water is gone to go to the lake boil the water and us it for liquid uses.

  10. kassie in the book what has happen is that since the moon was hit by an astroid everything hasnt been the same. They try to save supplies and not use it all it up. It does effect us because it can happen to us and in the book the worse has just begain and i would be scared if it happen to use in real life.

  11. geremy no one knows why the moon was hit by an astroid. the book is not going to be a happy ending.

  12. What is going on with the main character and how is the calamity with the moon effecting the main character's family and life?

  13. Germey,
    I'm not actually sure why the astroyed had hit the moon mainly because i'm not reading the book myself. By the looks of the tittle it just seemed that thing might of been good at the beginging but know that the astroyed had hit the moon people might of suffered alot. Just imagin a life with out a moon! How would you feel with out one? would it matter? Would it hurt the environment? Or will people slowly diseper?

    1. I like the way you question geremy. It made me think an wonder if. But I would like to include that when I read this book title I felt as if there life was great but then it turned around. Now that I know more about the book I really dont understand the title, "Life as we knew it" Like did they know that the astroyed was going to hit ? Or that people ware going to be dieing ?

  14. genesis they still have a moon its that the moon was hit and the moon got closer and now the weather has gone crazy and diffrent.

  15. the book so far is going from tensed to relaxed they were kind of going through war with the life their living. Moms running out of money,its getting hotter , and more people are dying. The familly is suffering and the days are passing by volcanic erouptions are effecting areas that arn't close to a valcano!!! but as mounths go by things start looking more better so far the setting was during christmas and they talked about how happy they were to not go through all the struggle maranda was talking about the beans and other foods which means their doing better money wize because back in the story they would ony be able to eat 1 meal

  16. So far in the book Lisa's family is having a difficult time with electricity because it is going off and on. Also the water is not working so this means Lisa and her family have to take turns shampooing eachothers hair.

  17. This book is intense. Ever since people heard that the storm was coming Lisa's friends have been changing. Sammi is starting to date all kinds of guys and Megan is getting more involved in church. This is weird because Megan always says disrespectful things about god like for one quote she says " i was angry, angry at god.She also blamed god for her friend Becky's death. Sammi has changed because she is talking about all the guys she met and think is cute.

  18. so as I was looking and readig your blogs that you had wrote about I just wanted to to know if eny of the meteoroids hit earth and what did sammi and megan do to halp or be awaire of what is goibg to happen.

  19. If you had a chance to change the book cover would you leave it or would you change it,and if the house in the book cover mean evything what do it mean.
